About the Scottish Plumbing Apprentice of the Year competition - SNIPEF

About the Scottish Plumbing Apprentice of the Year competition

The Scottish Plumbing Apprentice of the Year competition is a college-based practical-application competition which challenges apprentices to compete in two material categories; copper and lead. The winner from each category is awarded the prestigious title of Scottish Plumbing Apprentice of the Year (category).

Backed by industry, academia and many high-profile plumbing and supply chain companies, the competition aims to develop the skills and abilities of those currently undertaking a plumbing apprenticeship in Scotland.

All competing apprentices get the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge, technical skills, project and time management, accuracy and professionalism while having to meet a strict deadline.

The competition

Apprentices are registered by their college to compete in either the copper or lead category.

On the day of the competition, the apprentices will be given a project to complete in 3 1/2 hours. They cannot confer with either their company or college during the competition. The project provides an ideal opportunity for apprentices to demonstrate their knowledge and capabilities to deliver a complex and integrated product in a demanding and competitive environment.

At the end of the assigned time, all projects will be reviewed by an expert panel of judges. Only once the expert review is completed will an apprentice from each category be awarded the prestigious title of Scottish Plumbing Apprentice of the Year (category).

All competing apprentices get the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge, technical skills, project and time management, accuracy and professionalism while having to meet a strict deadline.

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