Framework - SNIPEF


The Plumbing and Heating Modern Apprenticeship is designed to provide individuals with the opportunity to develop competencies that are needed to carry out job roles and responsibilities within the plumbing and heating industry.

The roles and responsibilities will be associated with the design, installation and maintenance of cold water systems, hot water systems, central heating systems, drainage systems and weathering systems in a range of building types, including relevant:

  • Technological requirements and changes
  • Statutory and non-statutory regulations, standards and requirements
  • Working practices in accordance with health and safety requirements
  • Inspection, testing and commissioning procedures
  • Work on electrical systems associated with plumbing systems

The aim of this framework is to ensure that the Modern Apprenticeship delivery programme includes:

  • The skills and knowledge required by the industry to achieve competence
  • Job-related skills that will be used in the working environment
  • Knowledge and skills aligned to working practices, relevant statutory and non-statutory regulations
  • Transferable and core skills
  • The basis for career progression

The Plumbing and Heating framework is reviewed by industry every five years to ensure it is fit for purpose and meets the needs and requirements of the industry.

Plumbing and heating framework units and modules and framework credits

The Plumbing and Heating Apprenticeship framework consists of 11 mandatory units and one optional unit which all apprentices are required to complete. The mandatory and optional units are listed below:

ReferenceMandatory units
(Candidates take all units)
BSEBSE01Apply health and safety and environmental legislation in the building services engineering sector644
BSEBSE02Establish and maintain relationships in the building services engineering sector616
BSEBSE03Coordinate a work site in the building services engineering sector616
BSEBSE04Perform electrical work on mechanical building services systems728
BSEPH04Install and test plumbing and heating systems743
BSEPH05Service and maintain plumbing and heating systems731
BSEPH06Inspect and pre-commission plumbing and heating systems720
BSEPH07Commission plumbing and heating systems738
BSEPH08Decommission plumbing and heating systems714
BSEPH09Install sheet weathering protection622
n/a*Plumbing and Heating Final Competence Assessment74
ReferenceOptional units
(Candidates take one from four mandatory units)
n/a*Install and commission fuel systems: Gas64
n/a*Install and commission fuel systems: Oil64
n/a*Install and commissioning fuel systems: Solid fuel64
n/a*Low Carbon Technologies (low carbon/renewable technologies)64

*These units were recently updated and still require a reference from the SQA. As soon as these units have been referenced this section will be updated.

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