Plumbing and Heating Qualification - SNIPEF

Plumbing and Heating Qualification

The Modern Apprenticeship in Plumbing and Heating is an employer-led four-year apprenticeship that involves on the job (with employer) and off the job (at college) training. This apprenticeship is the only industry recognised qualification in Scotland to enable you to be registered and graded as plumber.

Apprentices must be in employment with a plumbing and heating business to undertake the Modern Apprenticeship in Plumbing and Heating. When an apprentice is not working with the employer they will attend college either in a day release or block release pattern, depending on the college timetable.

After an apprentice completes three years at college they will be awarded their SVQ Level 3 (SCQF 7), Modern Apprenticeship and Fuel (either Gas, Oil, Emergent Technology, Solid Fuel) certificates. An apprentice will then be required to serve one year of continuous employment with their employer to ensure they complete the four-year apprenticeship and are graded as a plumber by the Scottish & Northern Ireland Joint Industry Board (SNIJIB).

The Plumbing & Heating SVQ Level 3 (SCQF 7) is jointly awarded by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) and SNIJIB. The Modern Apprenticeship Certificate is issued by Instructus and Building Services Engineering (BSE) Skills UK Ltd (SNIPEF, SECTT & BESA).

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