Q1. The National Living Wage threshold changes on 1 April, what do I need to do?
A. Ensure you are ready for the rise as it may affect your apprentice’s wage rate. SNIPEF have a plumbing apprentice ready reckoner to assist you on what to pay plumbing apprentices.
Q2. Do I need to be a SNIPEF member to take on a plumbing apprentice?
A. No, your business does not need to be a SNIPEF Member to use us as your plumbing apprentice's training provider. However, if you are a SNIPEF Member and subject to funding you will receive higher grant rates and access of a vast amount of benefits and services which could be very beneficial to your business. For more information on the benefits of SNIPEF Membership, click here.
Q3. The potential apprentice I have in mind has a disability; can they undertake the plumbing apprenticeship?
A. As long as they are reasonably fit and able in their own best interests to meet the work and safety requirements of the plumbing industry there should be no problem with them starting on the plumbing apprenticeship. The Modern Apprenticeship in Plumbing and Heating operates on the principle of equal opportunities regardless of sex, marital status, race, religion, age and disability.
Q4. What funding is available for the Plumbing & Heating Modern Apprenitceship?
A. SNIPEF recieve funding from the Scottish Government - Skills Development Scotland (SDS) which is used to pay the full college fees, SNIJIB registration, CSCS card and MA registration & certification.
For employer there are additional Employer Recruitment Incentives (ERI), offered by local authorities that are designed to support individuals facing significant barriers to employment by helping them secure and retain jobs. Businesses can apply for up to £10,000 to offset the costs associated with hiring and employing eligible candidates.
Click here for a list of all local authority areas in Scotland and a link to the funding offered.
Q5. I have an apprentice I want to take on. What do I need to do and where do I apply?
A. The first thing that we require is for you and your plumbing apprentice to complete the New Start Application Pack. To request a pack please contact SNIPEF Training Services by emailing training@snipef.org or call 0131 524 1245
Once the New Start Application Pack has been completed you will need to return this to us so we can register your apprentice on to our training programme, and reserve a place for them at their local college.
Q6. Can I have a list of individuals who have undertaken a pre-apprenticeship in plumbing?
A. We do not keep a list of individuals who have undertaken the pre-apprenticeship in plumbing, however you can get in touch with one of our Training Services Team who may be able to send you out some details and/or CVs of individuals who have expressed an interest in becoming apprentice plumbers. We have a list of individuals who are interested in becoming apprentice plumbers and whether they have previously undertaken a pre-apprenticeship in plumbing. Alternatively, your local Regional Training Officer may be aware of some of the individuals who have undertaken a pre-apprenticeship in plumbing. To find your local Regional Training Officer please download their contact details form here.
You can also contact your local college to find out if they have a pre-apprenticeship course in plumbing and if they would be able to provide you with some of the details of individuals who have attended it. To find your local college please download their contact details form here.
Q7. Can you recommend a plumbing apprentice for me to take on?
A. We cannot recommend a plumbing apprentice for you to employ. However, we do have a list of individuals who have expressed an interest in becoming apprentice plumbers and we can send you over their details and/or CVs. To find out more information please contact us at training@snipef.org. Additionally, one of our Regional Training Officers may be able to advise you of any potential individuals they are aware of in your local area looking for a career in plumbing. To find your local Regional Training Officer, please download their contact details form here.
Q8. I have hired a redundant apprentice. Are there any grants or funding available?
A. There are currently no grants or additional funding available to employers for taking on a redundant apprentice.
Q9. I can only afford to employ the apprentice part time; is this acceptable?
A. No. The plumbing apprenticeship is full-time learning both at college and working with an employer. If an individual is not full time then they will not be able to achieve the SVQ Level 3 in Domestic Plumbing and Heating, and the SNIJIB will not grade the individual as a plumber.
Q10. Can you tell me the rates of pay that I should pay my plumbing apprentice?
A. Apprentices are employed under the terms of the plumbing industry’s apprentice training programme, and this means they will receive the rates of pay and conditions of employment laid down by the SNIJIB. The rates of pay can be found here. You are required to pay your apprentice while they are working with you and when they are attending college.
Q11. I am considering hiring a plumbing apprentice but they are not yet 16 . Can they start on the plumbing apprenticeship?
A. If your potential apprentice's 16th birthday falls between 1 March and 30 September they can start on the plumbing apprenticeship programme on 1 June. If their 16th birthday is between 1 October and 28 February they can start on the plumbing apprenticeship programme on 23 December. Your potential plumbing apprentice is also required to be eligible to leave school.
Q12. My potential apprentice is over the age of 40. Can they still come on to the training programme?
A.Yes they can, there is no age restriction on our training programme.
Q13. I am planning to take on a 20+ year old apprentice, are there any extra costs or shortfall payments required?
A. We no longer charge a shortfall payment for adult apprentices so there is no extra cost to employers taking on adult apprentices.