COVID-19 Legal and Contractual issues - SNIPEF

COVID-19 Legal and Contractual issues

We are aware that many Members may be facing issues over sites being closed or contracts being delayed or cancelled due to the coronavirus. This is also likely to happen in domestic situations. 

SNIPEF has established a help-line for members who are concerned about legal and contractual issues which may be affected by the coronavirus crisis and involves an initial consultation which is free for all members up to 20 minutes. 

The assistance involves a combination of legal and technical expertise, and will cover the following issues: 

  • Delays in the completion of on-going contracts 
  • Cancellation of projects 
  • Difficulties in making or receiving payments 
  • Issues with the supply and delivery of goods 
  • Suspension of contracts 
  • Formal extension of time and loss and expense notices 

This is a very fast moving situation, where the nature of the advice might change on a day to day basis. Our advice to all members is to carefully consider the consequences of this crisis for all on-going contracts, especially larger, commercial contracts. It may be advisable for members to write formal delay/extension of time letters now for those contracts. 

Member helpline

In the first instance, all enquiries should be directed to Mr Leonard Bunton, on 07769 670089 or 01786 880751, or by email at

Please copy any email communications to, so that SNIPEF can track members issues. 

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