Approved Certifier of Construction Scheme (ACCS) - SNIPEF

Approved Certifier of Construction Scheme (ACCS)

SNIPEF operates the Approved Certifier of Construction Scheme (ACCS), which was approved by Scottish Ministers in December 2009 and allowed individuals (Approved Certifiers of Construction) to "self-certify" drainage, plumbing and heating work which is subject to a Building Warrant.

The Approved Certifier must be directly employed by a business (Approved Body) member of the plumbing industry licensing scheme or at least meet the scheme's criteria in which SNIPEF operates.

Benefits in operating ACCS

Your client will pay a reduced building warrant fee if they advise the local authority that they are using an Approved Certifier of Construction.

You will be able to “Self-Certify” (as long as you have demonstrated your technical competency) above or below ground drainage, heating installations (gas, oil, solid fuel boilers), unvented systems, micro-renewables (biomass, solar and heat pumps) and electrical work associated with any of these installations, which is subject to a building warrant.

Local Authority Building Control Departments (now known as verifiers) cannot refuse to accept an Approved Certifier's certificate. They cannot ask to inspect work certified by an Approved Certifier.

You will appear on the Scottish Government Approved Certifier website.


There is an annual fee for Approved Bodies and Certifiers.

You don't need to be a member of SNIPEF to join the scheme but the annual Approved Body fee is waived for SNIPEF members. All prices below are excluding VAT

Approved Body FeeACCS fee (Paid annually)ACCS Building Standards Training courseCertificates to purchase*Refresher Course**
SNIPEF memberFree£128.00£205.00£13.50 each£117.00
Non SNIPEF member£571.00£194.00£308.00£13.50 each£176.00

*Purchased in multiples of five, payments made by card at the time off purchase

**Refresher Course needs to be completed every 3 years

For further information on how to become a member of the Approved Certifier of Construction Scheme, please contact the Schemes Department or 0131 556 0600 (option 4)

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