About our Events - SNIPEF

About our Events

We run a number of events throughout the year for members and non-members of SNIPEF.

TechTalks are our free breakfast sessions designed to equip members with the tools for growth, foster new business opportunities, and provide a platform for networking. Find out more.

The Scottish Plumbing Apprentice of the Year is a college-based practical-application competition which challenges apprentices to compete in two material categories; copper and lead. The winner from each category is awarded the prestigious title of Scottish Plumbing Apprentice of the Year (category). Find out more.

We offer a variety of training sessions and webinars to support our members' professional development. Covering topics from technical skills to business management and industry trends, these events provide valuable insight and practical knowledge.

Led by expert speakers, both in-person and online sessions help members stay competitive and up-to-date. The training calendar is regularly updated with one-off events that address specific industry needs. Find out more.

First held in 1937, with Glasgow Association emerging victorious, SNIPEF's Annual Golf Tournament offers a fantastic opportunity for members and teams from Scotland and Northern Ireland to come together, network with business associates, and enjoy a day away from the office or tools. Find out more.

SNIPEF's local associations organise a variety of social events throughout the year. Some highlights of our annual calendar include the Dundee Dinner Dance and the Kilmarnock Branch's Pie and Pint Night. We also host several one-off events, including corporate adventure days, networking events and evening socials. Find out more.

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