SNIPEF Apprentice Diary – Tuesday

March 8, 2022

Yesterday we introduced you to SNIPEF Apprentices Gemma, Ellie, and Marion's diaries to help celebrate Scottish Apprentice Week.

Ellie Ferguson

I have my last meeting today with my Modern Apprenticeship assessor, Diane. I have been meeting with Diane virtually for the last 10 months. When I first started we discussed what units I would like to do / what fits the business needs. As of today, I have completed my Modern Apprenticeship in Business and Administration at SCQF Level 6. I let the rest of the team know who are all very happy for me. I then get back to processing induction paperwork for the rest of the day.

Marion Stewart

The workday started as normal, 8 am at the yard. Our first job of the day was at Spynie dental to change some hoses so that they were up the current standard for health care. We picked up the hose from the yard and headed to the job site.

Once we arrived, we had a look at the hose we had to change. It quickly occurred that it would not be a straight swap due to the pipe being installed before the frames were built. Once that was complete we changed a sterilizer, it was very simple.

After that, I contacted my boss and he advised I was to go to another job down at the RAF camp. My next job was to escort the asbestos worker to the base. He needed to complete a survey before a bathroom renovation. There were samples taken from the roof, walls, floor, and from behind the door frames.

Once this was done, I headed to Ward 7 and installed a sink, and put feet on the vents on the roof. The sink was a straightforward changeover and I headed home once this was complete.

Gemma Ireland

Tuesday is another 7am start as I head off to college for a day of practical skills which I really enjoy. Our workload really depends on the current topics we are studying. I enjoy working with copper and plastic pipes. It is good to feel that you are developing key skills, such as soldering copper and lead bashing. The tutors offer great support – they are very helpful and knowledgeable.

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