Men’s Health Week 14-20 June 2021

June 17, 2021

With the construction industry having one of the highest suicide rates, its time to get educated on mental health during Men's Health Week

Why is health so important?

We all have physical and mental health. Working in construction comes with its risks, and thousands of illnesses in the UK can be directly linked to working in the industry. On top of this, poor mental health is on the rise due to the pandemic. Construction has one of the highest suicide rates of any sector, with two construction workers committing suicide every working day in the UK. As employers, there are small steps you can take to gain a better understanding of health and support the employees within your care.

What can I do as an employer?

Be open-minded and talk with your teams. They may suggest ways to improve health and wellbeing and will appreciate being heard by their employer. You may wish to provide support by doing any of the following:

  • Ensure health and safety checks and training are up to date
  • Hold 1-2-1 catch ups with staff allowing them to raise work related issues and have an open-door policy
  • Allow mental health day(s). Research shows this can improve morale and productivity and reduce stigma around mental health
  • Allocate mental health first aider(s) at work
  • Attend/ organise mental health workplace training

Where can I get help?

There are various charities available to support you and your staff. Remember that not all support has to be done by phone call. Some charities offer email, text and phone app support. Support can be sought anonymously if preferred.

Lighthouse Club: The construction industry’s health, mental health, & financial support charity.

Breathing Space: Evening and weekend phone line and webchat to talk through concerns.

SamH: Mental health charity working with adults and young people in Scotland

Money Saving Expert: Financial wellbeing support.

What can SNIPEF do?

Make use of your Industrial Relations (IR) department when managing sick employees. Remember that mental health can affect physical health and vice versa. IR staff details:

Stephanie Lowe, Industrial Relations Manager:

Rosie Ritchie, Industrial Relations Administrator:

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