William Williamson - Supporting Scotland's Plumbers Since 1900
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Green Home Festival – Debunking Heat Pump Myths in Pre-1919 Homes

14 August at 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

While many assume that heat pumps are unsuitable for older properties, this is not the case. With careful planning and the right approach, pre-1919 properties can be upgraded to greener, more sustainable energy solutions.

Join Barry Sharp from Renewable Heat for his presentation on integrating heat pumps into older properties. He will clarify common myths and misconceptions, explore the benefits of heat pump technology and discuss the practical aspects of their installation. This session is designed to provide valuable insights for homeowners looking to modernise and install sustainable home heating systems.

The presentation will conclude with a Q&A session, during which attendees can discuss their specific queries about updating older properties with modern home heating solutions.

Book now to reserve your place!


Location: Charlotte Square Gardens

Edinburgh, United Kingdom

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