Temporary Lay-Off Process
October 2, 2024

Given the current situation with a large construction company going into administration, we are mindful that this may affect some of our members. Are you an employer who is affected by this situation? Has your workload reduced, and are you unable to currently provide your employees with work? There are options available to employers to assist you during this difficult time.
SNIJIB Working Rules (section 9 Guaranteed Week, 9.4, Temporary Lay-Off)
A temporary lay-off situation arises when there is a temporary reduction in work, and you are unable to provide your employee with work and this situation is expected to for a short period of time. This process is in place in order to avoid redundancies.
Before implementing the temporary lay-off process, can you think of alternative solutions for your employees? You could consider the following:
- Providing alternative work which the employee is capable of undertaking either at the job, on the job or elsewhere within your organisation.
- Discuss with the employee if he/she wishes to take annual leave
If you are proposing to temporary lay-off 20 or more employees, you must consult the appropriate representatives.
Should the temporary lay-off period cease to become temporary, you will then need to consider potential redundancies.
Should you require further information or advice on the Temporary Lay-Off process, please contact Linda Ferguson, Employment Services Manager at linda.ferguson@snipef.org.