SNIPEF membership research with Progressive Partnership

July 28, 2023

In August and September, SNIPEF will be undertaking a comprehensive membership research project to gather valuable feedback directly from its members. This input will be pivotal in helping SNIPEF better understand member needs and expectations and instrumental in tailoring its services to meet their specific requirements.

To ensure a comprehensive and insightful study, we have partnered with Progressive Partnership, an experienced company known for its expertise in conducting valuable membership research.

Progressive Partnership may approach you in the coming weeks, seeking your participation in either qualitative research, such as focus groups or through brief computer-aided telephone interviews lasting no longer than 10 minutes. We kindly ask for your time and cooperation in this research effort.

Should you have any queries or require further information, please contact Richard Campbell at

Your participation in this research project is highly appreciated, as it will enable SNIPEF to foster a stronger, more supportive community for all its members.

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