Providing Mental Health Support in the Construction Industry

October 10, 2022

October 10 marks World Mental Health Day. Every single working day in the UK and Ireland two construction workers take their own life. SNIPEF supports the Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity, the only charity that provides emotional, physical, and financial wellbeing support to the construction community and their families.

For employers, it is important to notice signs of distress among employees. According to the Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity, these signs may include bad timekeeping, safety and risk taking, alcohol and/or drug misuse, lack of co-operation, being tired all the time, unexplained aches and pains, being quiet and withdrawn, and extremes of emotion.

The Lighthouse Construction and Industry Charity highlight eight signs of distress employers can look out for

The charity offers a 5-step process for building a successful mental health culture in your workplace:

  1. Commit to making a difference by signing their Building Mental Health charter.
  2. Introduce a helpline - make sure it is well publicised with posters around the sites and cards given to all those in the programme. Products can be obtained by registered users on the Considerate Constructors Scheme website, as well as the charity website.
  3. Deliver a mental health Tool Box Talk to raise the awareness of everyone in the organisation to the mental health issues we have and help educate them on identifying possible signs of stress, anxiety and depression and how to start the conversation.
  4. Deliver a mental health half or one-day awareness training.
  5. Ensure you have enough mental health first aiders for your place of work.

The Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity also offers a free helpline which provides a range of free and confidential wellbeing support services, which is complemented by their free Construction Industry Helpline App. The number to call in the UK is 0345 605 1956. You can also text HARDHAT to 85258 for free and confidential guidance over text.

To find out more about how you can help and to download free resources visit:

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