Plumbers recognised with Merit Awards

May 30, 2019

SNIPEF is pleased to announce the latest recipients of the SNIPEF Merit Award, recognising outstanding contribution to the plumbing industry.

George Thomson, Shower Doctor Ltd
Preston Fleming, Preston Fleming Plumbing & Heating

Long-time SNIPEF members George Thomson, of Shower Doctor Ltd in Edinburgh and Preston Fleming, of Preston Fleming Plumbing & Heating in Cardross were presented with their awards on Friday 24 May during the organisation’s Annual General Meeting.

George, a member of the SNIPEF Edinburgh & District Local Association, served as SNIPEF National President in 2007, before going on to champion the importance of apprenticeships and skills. A second-generation plumber, he has worked in the plumbing industry for over 40 years, taking on a number of leadership roles and has represented the industry on the national and international stage.

Preston is a third-generation plumber of the family firm, with over 40 years’ experience in the plumbing and heating industry. He has been a strong supporter of the SNIPEF Glasgow & West of Scotland Local Association, serving as both Director and local President. He served as SNIPEF National President in 2011 and was instrumental in setting up the Plumbing Industry Licensing Scheme in 2002.

SNIPEF CEO Fiona Hodgson said:

“I’m very proud to present George and Preston with the SNIPEF Merit Award. They’re both extremely deserving recipients who have each made an enormous contribution to the industry, and continue to do so. Their passion for the industry is evident, as is their dedication and commitment to sharing their knowledge and working to improve the industry. This award recognises the high standards and professionalism they have maintained throughout their careers.” Introduced in 2009, the SNIPEF Merit Award is awarded to individuals or organisations who have given exceptional service to SNIPEF and the wider plumbing industry. The selection of the award winners falls to the SNIPEF Office Bearers.

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