Message from SNIPEF President, Jim Butter

January 25, 2023

Jim Butter, SNIPEF President

To begin, I wish all SNIPEF Members and Associate Members a warm welcome to 2023 and hope this year provides you with many opportunities and successes.

2023 is a significant year for SNIPEF as it celebrates its centenary year in May. In the coming months, the Federation will be undertaking several online and in-person events and activities to celebrate this milestone, reflecting on its growth and success over the years. However, although a time for reflection, it is essential that SNIPEF plans and looks beyond these celebrations. Therefore, it will use this landmark occasion to launch its next three-year strategy, Beyond 100.

One essential part of the Beyond 100 strategy will be to examine if SNIPEF fully meets the needs of its members and provides value to its membership. As with any organisation, it is necessary for SNIPEF to periodically review its products, services and functions to ensure they remain aligned with member requirements and expectations. As such, you may be approached to participate in detailed membership research. Please take the time to help SNIPEF by being open and unfiltered in your feedback. Only by doing so can SNIPEF ensure it aligns its operations to meet your needs.

Looking beyond SNIPEF, I am aware that for many, it is a time of economic uncertainty, including a very real cost of living crisis. The sub-zero spell of weather in December, and the rising energy costs to heat our homes, possibly contributed to a greater number of burst pipes, especially in rural areas. I spoke to several members who came across homeowners and tenants sitting in freezing houses with burst pipes caused by the occupier's inability to afford to heat their homes. I hope SNIPEF members will be able to help as many people as possible during these difficult times by providing both practical assistance and advice.

Finally, my involvement this year as President has allowed me to see the many positive things that SNIPEF undertakes on your behalf, many of which most members don't see. The dedication and knowledge of the management team and employees throughout SNIPEF are to be commended. As always, I am keen to hear from all Members and Associate Members and encourage you to engage with me or SNIPEF. We are here to help.

Jim Butter
President (2022-23)

2023 is a significant year for SNIPEF as it celebrates its centenary year in May.

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