Legionella Risk Assessment & Disinfection Scheme
November 24, 2020
SNIPEF operates a Legionella Risk Assessment and Disinfection Scheme. Which demonstrates compliance with the Health and Safety Executive’s Approved Code of Practice for Legionnaires’ disease: The control of Legionella bacteria in Water Systems (L8).
Landlords and individuals who are in control of premises, have a duty to protect people by identifying and controlling risks associated with Legionella.
Buildings which have been closed or have reduced occupancy during the COVID-19 pandemic, have an increased risk of water system stagnation which can occur due to lack of use, increasing the risk of Legionnaires’ disease.
Being a member of the SNIPEF Legionella Risk Assessment & Disinfection Scheme demonstrates to customers that your business employs professional and competent plumbers who have undertaken a legionella course and have the knowledge and understanding of the risks associated with legionella. Members of the scheme are able to implement a risk assessment and carry out remedial work in domestic properties.
To find out more on how to join the scheme and apply for a £100 grant per operative, click here.
Please note that firms joining during 2020 will receive the remainder of this year free of charge and will receive their membership certificate to 31st December 2021.