400 new funded apprenticeships now available through SNIPEF

July 28, 2023

Recognising the vital importance of the plumbing and heating sector, Skills Development Scotland (SDS) and the Scottish Government have agreed to fund 400 new plumbing and heating apprenticeships fully. This unprecedented funding agreement presents a unique opportunity for SNIPEF members to expand and future-proof their businesses.

SNIPEF Training Services simplifies the process of recruiting and organising the training of apprentices, offering a comprehensive, all-in-one solution. From advertising vacancies, managing applications, arranging college placements, and facilitating registration with SDS and SNIJIB.

However, we are urging members to act swiftly. College places are limited, and we advise submitting applications as early as possible before the college year commences in August or September.

When asked about the value of apprenticeships, Dale Thomson, SNIPEF Training Services Apprentice Training Manager, said: "Employing an apprentice is not merely a strategy to secure your business's future. It also significantly contributes towards developing the industry's skilled workforce.

“Hiring an apprentice also brings various benefits to a business. As per the Centre for Economics and Business Research, 65% of apprentices stay with the business that trained them, and 78% improve productivity. Their enthusiasm often enhances service quality and employee retention, while their up-to-date training brings fresh methodologies to the workplace.”

The time is now to invest in the future of your business. Seize this unparalleled opportunity to secure a funded plumbing apprenticeship.

For further information, visit our apprenticeship website or contact SNIPEF Training Services at 0131 524 1245 or training@snipef.org.

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