1,700 public sector construction projects available online 

February 22, 2023

Following calls from the construction sector for greater visibility of anticipated public sector work, the Scottish Futures Trust, in association with the public sector, has developed the Construction Pipeline Forecast Tool for Scotland.

The Pipeline highlights planned public sector investment up to 2028, with most of the forecast spending occurring before 2025. The types of construction projects include new build, refurbishments, and maintenance across a range of sectors, including roads, health, education, housing, cultural and heritage. In addition, the Pipeline contains details of over 90 individual construction-related frameworks that businesses can apply to join.

Commenting on the opportunities that the forecasting tool offers plumbing businesses, SNIPEF Chief Executive, Fiona Hodgson, said: “Calls to access this type of valuable intel have been made as far back as the Procurement Review of 2013. Now in place, the tool provides short- and medium-term construction spend by the public sector and allows plumbing businesses to engage more within their construction supply chains.

“Of the 1,718 projects listed, 55% are below £2m in value, emphasising the opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises.

“Information and data are unquestionably valuable business tools for planning and tendering prospects. I urge all Member companies to register and exploit these opportunities.”

Key benefits to businesses

  • It provides business confidence through greater transparency of forecast construction spend.
  • It enables targeted upskilling and business investment to respond to future pipeline projects
  • It allows greater collaboration within the supply chain

Over 40 public bodies have contributed data to the forecast tool, which will be updated six monthly. The Pipeline allows businesses to access and review data using various criteria, including procurement route, procuring authority, contract value and sector.

To register for the Construction Pipeline Forecast Tool, visit Scottish Futures Trust.

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