Become an Associate Member - SNIPEF

Become an Associate Member

SNIPEF is the trade association for plumbing and heating businesses in Scotland and Northern Ireland. We have more than 750 member firms, from sole traders to large plumbing firms. In total, our members employ over 5,000 plumbers and associated trades.

We have operated an Associate Membership scheme for some years to help installers, suppliers, colleges and others in the industry to connect and work together.

The fee to become an Associate Member in 2024 is £342 + VAT.

SNIPEF Associate Members benefit from the following opportunities:

  • Sponsorship and attendance at member events and sporting activities
  • Preferential advertising opportunities in our quarterly members' magazine PlumbHeat, along with our monthly e-newsletter Plugged-In
  • Company profile and logo on the Associate Member section of our website
  • Receive both print and digital copies of PlumbHeat and our monthly e-newsletter, Plugged-In
  • Access to over 750 SNIPEF member businesses across Scotland and Northern Ireland, employing over 5,000 plumbing and gas operatives
  • Option of e-shots to SNIPEF database (limited numbers available, conditions apply)
  • Option to host training courses (if appropriate facilities available)
  • Opportunity to include material in new member welcome packs.

If you wish to become a SNIPEF Associate Member, please complete and return our application form. We will then invoice you for the SNIPEF associate fee.

Read PlumbHeat

Not a member? Enter your details below for a sneak peek of our latest issue of our quarterly magazine.
Magazine sign up form

Cover of theSpring 2024 issue
Cover of theWinter 2023 issue
Cover of theAutumn 2023 issue